Observations placeholder
Gurdjieff - Sacred dance
Type of Spiritual Experience
I don’t actually know what specific experiences were had in this example, but in Ouspensky’s writing the predominant experience appears to have been a sense of peace. Some people doing this are recorded as going into a ‘trance’, but there are no details of what happened during the trance state unfortunately
Gurdjieff used three sorts of sacred dance:
- One was whirling and swirling like the Sufi dance
- Another used a form of quaking and shaking - which you can see here
- And a third used extremely repetitive movements in which you chanted.
The clips shown below are examples of his last approach one of which has the added advantage as a dance that it is not only highly repetitive, but might count as a route march and thus frenetic activity
I have also not used the conventions I have used in the other observations - the 'source' is actually ordinary people, but I think it is helpful to know that Gurdjieff himself devised the dances
A description of the experience
The source of the experience
Gurdjieff, George IvanovichConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Frenetic exerciseSuppressions
DancingListening to beating sounds
Suppression of learning