Observations placeholder
Given wrong medication
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
It was my body I had minor surgery. While waiting for the meds to take effect intravenously, I remember the doctor yelling at the nurses, "You can't give a person with asthma this medication!"
Then I remember a lot of commotion and looking at the IV in my arm. I was above the table looking at my body. The doctors and nurses were in a state of panic. I was with someone who made me feel peaceful and safe. He took me to the recovery room and said, "You have to go back into your body." I said, "How do I know which body is mine?" There were 15 or more girls all my age with the same gown, white sheet and gurney. He assured me that it would be okay and to just go back.
The next thing I remember is a nurse saying my name and telling me it was time to wake up. I looked at my left hand to see if it was mine. (The tip of my middle finger got chopped off when I was 8 years old.) I found that it was indeed my body.
I thought the experience was a dream, but after hearing other stories I believe that it was real.