Observations placeholder
Gardner, Jeanne - Tell all about Me, the things I conceive
Type of Spiritual Experience
The message was a lot longer than this, but this gives the general gist. Whoever they were [if indeed it was another person as voices usually are] their poetry could have done with a bit of polishing
A description of the experience
A Grain of Mustard – by Jeanne Gardner as told to Beatrice Moore
Child, the pesticides now strike your land;
It's one then another so take your stand.
Tell all about Me, the things I conceive;
Tell all the story, so they will believe.
Oh, some will laugh, and some will jeer;
Pay no attention; right now, they lack fear.
But you may be certain that it won't be long
Till those in doubt sing a different song.
Look at Noah as he built the ark:
People scoffed at him from light until dark,
But he went right on with zeal and vim;
He believed, and his light never grew dim.
But what happened to those who did not believe?
I cast them from Me.
They disappeared into the bottom of the sea.
I have left many messages for you to deliver, Jeanne.
Please continue My work and keep the slate clean.
More will pay attention to the things you will say,
For soon they will know that there's no other way.
Oh, your trials and troubles showed you many locked doors,
But what I'm going to do will give you trouble no more.
You see, I have to wait; we all have to wait for the perfect time.
There's a strong message here, this is not just a rhyme.
I know you've oft thought I was just in your mind;
Then you opened your eyes, and a surprise you did find.
Jeanne, you must tell the people of your land
That I can destroy them by the touch of My hand;
For I'm the Almighty who reigneth on High.
I say who shall live, and I say who shall die.
These poor people have much to learn;
They must seek their true God or they shall all burn.
The time will come to destroy the old earth,
But some will remain who shall have their rebirth.
I'll judge every one, and many will grieve;
'Twill be too late for help then; they'd better believe,
I let My Son die for the sins of the land;
Now all must repent if they join My band.
I'm depending on you, Jeanne, to carry the word;
Tell all of My Voice and the things you have heard.
I'm Alpha, Omega-the beginning and end.
I'm calling Christian and Jew to me to repent.
For I am the Father, the King up above,
Who looks over all; I speak as the dove.
Amen. Amen.