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Observations placeholder

Fleetwood Mac - Seven wonders (1987)



Type of Spiritual Experience



Emmeline, The Orphan of the Castle is the first novel written by English writer Charlotte Turner Smith; it was published in 1788. A Cinderella story in which the heroine stands outside the traditional economic structures of English society and ends up wealthy and happy, the novel is a fantasy. At the same time, it criticises the traditional marriage arrangements of the 18th century, which allowed women little choice and prioritised the needs of the family. Smith's criticisms of marriage stemmed from her personal experience and several of the secondary characters are thinly veiled depictions of her family, a technique which both intrigued and repelled contemporary readers

Additional notes

A lot of symbolism in this song -  a lot

A description of the experience

fleetwood mac - seven wonders (1987)

So long ago
Certain place
Certain time
You touched my hand
All the way
All the way down to Emmiline

But if our paths never cross
Well you know I'm sorry but

If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
The rainbow's end

So it's hard to find
Someone with that kind of intensity
You touched my hand, I played it cool
And you reached out your hand to me

But if our paths never cross
Well you know I'm sorry but

If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
The rainbow's end

So long ago
It's a certain time
It's a certain place
You touched my hand and you smiled
All the way back you held out your hand

If I hope and if I pray
Ooh it might work out someday

If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
The rainbow's end

If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again

If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again

The source of the experience

Fleetwood Mac

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Making love

