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Observations placeholder

Dr. Charpignon on the state of clairvoyant ecstasy of a sleepwalker



Type of Spiritual Experience


From Dr. Charpignon, - Physiologie, médecine et métaphysique du magnétisme (Physiology, Medicine and Metaphysics of Magnetism, page 101)

Dr. Charpignon expresses himself in this way on the state of clairvoyant ecstasy of a sleepwalker:

This explanation of the extinction of bodily life and this apparent separation of the soul, which considers its own body as a foreign machine, is of high metaphysical value. All ecstatics in which this physiological phenomenon occurs are expressed in the same way.

We cared for a patient who entered into ecstasy during the night, when it was necessary to receive some light on the progress of her illness. This is how she reported to us about what was happening:

A description of the experience

From Dr. Charpignon, - Physiologie, médecine et métaphysique du magnétisme (Physiology, Medicine and Metaphysics of Magnetism, page 101),

[and also quoted in Professor Ernest Bozzano Les phénomènes de bilocation Traduit de l’italien par Gabriel Gobron and translated further into English by Serge Patlavskiy]

"I enter”, she said, “into a state similar to that which magnetism offers me, then, little by little, my body expands and I see it very clearly far from me, immobile, pale and cold like a dead person; as for me, I seem to be a luminous vapour, I feel, think, separated from my body.

In this state I understand and see much more than in sleepwalking; when, as a magnetic sleepwalker, I think without being separated from my body.

After a few minutes, a quarter of an hour at most, this vapour gets closer and closer to my body, I lose consciousness, and the experience stops."

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




