Observations placeholder
Dislocated clavicle from hallucination
Type of Spiritual Experience
The post comes from a website that helps people with odd problems this post was on the section http://www.wisegeek.org/what-are-hypnagogic-hallucinations.htm
A description of the experience
Post 20
I've had many vivid dreams (and more). I even dislocated my clavicle bone when I ran into the doorway after I 'saw' a shadow coming towards me in one of my hallucinations. I was finally diagnosed with Moderate Narcolepsy after 24 years of suffering. Yes, suffering, for I never looked forward to going to sleep because I knew my 'nightmares' would come as I was falling asleep or waking up.
Sleep paralysis, hallucinations, vivid and lucid dreaming, different levels of cataplexy, excessive daytime sleepiness, and possibly more, are all symptoms of narcolepsy.
Many people everyone believe that narcolepsy means we can fall asleep at any time even while talking to someone. Even some doctors do not know about narcolepsy and will be stubborn if you tell them about something they don't know about.
If he doesn't listen or makes you feel as if it is all in your head, as my previous doctor did (I switched doctors with the help of my insurance company) then ask him to refer you to a sleep specialist.
My doctor referred me to a neurologist who specializes in sleep medicine and he sent me for a sleep study. Now I take medicine (Anafranil in the evening and Adderall during the day) that keep all my symptoms at bay. Good luck to all and God bless.