Observations placeholder
Davitashvili, Dzhuna – Healing a bouquet of wilted roses and a headache
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Psychic Warfare (Threat or Illusion) By Martin Ebon
Chapter 13 - Dzhuna The Healer
Leon Kolodny, a newspaper man, was so impressed by Dzhuna Davitashvili that he even reported her seeming ability to "heal" a bouquet of wilted roses. He wrote:
"You may believe me or not, as you like; but the scent of roses flowed toward me, as if Dzhuna had opened a bottle of perfume. Then, one after another, the rose petals began to open."
How had she done this? By passing her hands over the flowers, the reporter said, just as she does over her patients. Next, Dzhuna engaged in a demonstration of the psychokinetic type: She held her hand over an empty cigarette box, raised her hand, and "the box rose with it."
Miss Davitashvili told the reporter that she saw "a yellow and blue light" over his head, adding, "I think you have a headache." He confirmed her observation:
"This was correct. I did not have much sleep the previous night, and got up early. She passed her hands over my head, lightly. I felt a faint breeze, and the headache stopped."