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Observations placeholder

Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – Blindsight: When playing blindman's bluff with other children, Margaret had the ability to avoid large objects



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Into the Light – Fay Marvin Clark

The year of 1956 found both of our boys in military service.  Pat had enlisted in the Navy and Jerry in the Marines. Adeline and I made quite regular trips to visit Jerry, who was stationed at Barstow, California. It was while we were on one of our visits that we heard of a girl in her early teens who reportedly was able to see and read without using her physical eyes. When we learned that she and her father were going to give a public demonstration the following day for a group of doctors and reporters at the Lockhart Ranch, a few miles from Barstow, Adeline suggested that we attend if at all possible.

We arrived more than an hour before the scheduled demonstration. We were introduced to Joseph Foos who was about forty years old. He was quite eager to talk about his daughter Margaret and explained that they were from Virginia and were giving the demonstration in hopes of raising funds for a small organization he had founded in the Los Angeles area called "The True Sight Church."

We found both Joseph and Margaret very friendly and extremely sincere. They learned about the discovery of Margaret's ability when she was about four years old. When playing blindman's bluff with other children, Margaret had the ability to avoid large objects. Her father said that Margaret showed this talent to a surprising degree, and at first he thought she was seeing through the blindfold. After taking steps to prevent any peeking, she still showed unmistakable evidence of paranormal sight.

Mr. Foos told us that after blindfolding Margaret, he would always talk to her and tell her that she was going to be able to see more clearly than the previous day. He felt that the most important part of the development of her paranormal sight was her complete confidence in him, as well as in herself.

In questioning her and making some experiments, he discovered that she was seeing from the area of her Solar Plexus.

At the end of a few weeks, Margaret was able to identify large objects. Her ability seemed to expand when she started to work with colours while blindfolded. Margaret said that identifying colours became a feeling, as well as a sense of seeing, with the sense of feeling playing the more important role.

The last and most difficult ability was the reading of print.

At first, the lines in a book or paper were just blur and would not separate into words and come into sharp focus. One day when Margaret complained that the page was "smokey," her father said, "Margaret, just blow the smoke away."

She puffed and the page came into sharp focus. From that time on, she was able to read anything accurately, even print from small Bibles.

In answer to our question- of speed reading, she felt that she was able to read more rapidly without using her eyes and she was positive that she was able to retain more of what she had read while blindfolded.

The source of the experience

Clark, Fay Marvin

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

