Observations placeholder
Being thumped on the arm, falling and being pushed
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Post 16
I have suffered with these hallucinations for many years now. Last night I was sleeping alone and felt something thump on my arm, but there was nobody there. I really jumped too, then shortly after that I could hear my husband clearly talking to someone else on the phone about work. I thought I was awake but I was not. I was dazed and confused. I sat up in the bed and listened and my husband was snoring next door.
Some of these over the years have been very scary indeed, where I feel someone is in the room. I also have recurring dreams and can never get to the end as I wake up crying!
These all seem to happen when I have difficulties falling asleep. I have so many others, it's really hard to explain. Falling is a big one and being pushed is another.