Observations placeholder
Addictive psychosis from bromocriptine
Type of Spiritual Experience
Postnatal (Latin for after birth, from post, meaning after, and natalis, meaning of birth) is the period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for about six weeks. A related term is postpartum period, which refers to the mother, whereas postnatal refers to the infant. Less frequently used is puerperium.
A description of the experience
Med Law 1989;8(2):171-4. Puerperal psychosis following ablaction with bromocriptine. Iffy L, Lindenthal J, Szodi Z, Griffin W.
Addiction in the context of drug abuse usually is perceived as habitual dependence on the part of the consumer of a potentially habit forming drug. Attention is drawn to an alternative pattern of drug abuse, namely, unwarranted prescription of drugs on the part of physicians.
An example of what the writers perceive is the habitual distribution of a potentially harmful drug in the absence of a clear-cut indication. Attention is being drawn to the worldwide use of bromocriptine, an agent suspected of causing occasional vasospasm, hypertensive cerebral accident and myocardial infarction, for the purpose of ablactation.
An additional observation is described where, following administration of bromocriptine in the puerperium manifestations consistent with ergotism developed. The clinical picture was also consistent with pure puerperal psychosis. Attention is also drawn to the likelihood of a cause-effect relationship between the abovementioned drug (an ergot derivative) and the ensuing psychotic reaction.
PMID: 2516595