Observations placeholder
Acupuncture and acne vulgaris
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Acupunct Med. 2010 Sep;28(3):126-9. doi: 10.1136/aim.2010.003004. Efficacy of ah shi point acupuncture on acne vulgaris. Son BK, Yun Y, Choi IH. Department of Oriental Dermatology, Kyung Hee University, East-West Neo Medical Center, 149 Sangil-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul 134-090, Korea. inhwajun@khnmc.or.kr
BACKGROUND: Ah shi point acupuncture involves inserting needles at painful or pathological sites.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of ah shi point and general acupuncture point treatment of acne vulgaris.
METHODS: 36 subjects were recruited and randomised in a double-blind (patient-blind and observer-blind) controlled trial to receive acupuncture either at general acupuncture points only, or at both general acupuncture points and ah shi points 12 times over 6 weeks. The subjects were evaluated using the following outcome measurements: an inflammatory lesion count, a quality-of-life scale (Skindex-29) and a subjective symptom score.
RESULTS: After 12 treatment sessions, there was a significant reduction in the inflammatory acne lesion counts, the Skindex-29 scores and the subjective symptom scores from baseline in both groups, but no significant difference between groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Acupuncture treatment of moderate acne vulgaris was associated with reduction of inflammatory lesions and improvement of the quality of life.
PMID: 20813813