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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Saint-Exupery, Antoine de - Wind, Sand and Stars



Type of Spiritual Experience


Number of hallucinations: 1


A description of the experience

Wind, Sand and Stars

I tried to bring up a little saliva; how long was it since I had spit?  No saliva.  If I kept my mouth closed, a kind of glue sealed my lips together. It dried on the outside of the lips and formed a hard crust. However, I found I was still able to swallow, and I bethought me that I was still not seeing a blinding light in my eyes. Once I was treated to that radiant spectade I might know that the end was a couple of hours away.

Night fell. The moon had swollen since I last saw it. Prevot was still not back. I stretched out on my back and turned these few data over in my mind. ...

What was that ? Five hundred yards ahead of me I could see the Iight of his lamp. He had lost his way. I had no lamp with which to signal back. I stood up and shouted, but he could not hear me.
A second lamp, and then a third ! God in Heaven!I It was a search parfy and it was me they were hunting !
'Hi ! Hi l' I shouted.
But they had not heard me. The three lamps were still signalling me.
Tonight I am sane,' I said to myself. 'I am relaxed. I am not out of my head. Those are certainly three lamps and they are about five hundred yards off.' I stared at them and shouted again, and again I gathered that they could not hear me.
Then, for the first and only time, I was really seized with panic. I could still run, I thought.'Waitl Wait!' I screamed.
They seemed to be turning away from me, going off, hunting me elsewhere! And I stood tottering, tottering on the brink of life when there were arms out there ready to catch me ! I shouted and screamed again and again.
They had heard me! An answering shout had come. I was strangling, sufiocating, but I ran on,  shouting as I ran, until I saw Prevot and keeled over.
When I could speak again I said: 'Whew I When I saw all those lights ..'
'What lights?'
God in Heaven, it was true ! He was alone !
This time I was beyond despair. I was filled with a sort of dumb fury.
'What about your lake?' I rasped.
'As fast as I moved towards it, it moved back. I walked after it for about half an hour. Then it seemed still too far away, so I came back. But I am positive, now, that it is a lake.'
'You're crazy. Absolutely crazy. Why did you do it? Tell me. Why?'....

Prevot made no comment.
'Well' he said finally, 'I guess we're in a bad way'.

The source of the experience

Saint-Exupery, Antoine de

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

