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Observations placeholder

Romano, Jacques - The Law of Compensation



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Law of  Compensation

We should know
The great law
That holds jurisdiction.
Of self-construction,
Of self-destruction;
The law of reaction,
Of self-reflection;
It is always with us,
In right or wrong.
It is the law of compensatron.

Always here, always there,
Always prodding, always nodding,
Never ceasing;
In waking hours and sleep,
In the light, in the dark
No hiding place for mind or heart,
Untold sensations come to pass,
In all forms of disguise.
Joy and sadness intermingled,
Tears, laughter, and remorse,
Entwined within our life.

Happiness, false and true,
Thrills, bad and good,
Pain and sorrow
Health and sickness,
Wealth and poverty in the same day.
To be saved on the battlefield,
Or slain at your own fireside,
Forebodings of danger,
Or to be consumed by flame,
It is the body, mind, and soul'

Sensing the great law,
The law of compensation;
Like a thousand judges,
All in one;
A thousand minds
Ready to define;
It warns us as it plays
With clock precision,
And expression unchanged;
The same hand uplifting,
The same hand retarding;
It touches every fiber of the flesh;
It strikes the very soul and mind.

Always reaching out to pay
The good with greater gains,
The faulty with barriers, and helping hand
To bestow honors;
To impose disgrace,
Ecstasy of soul,
Pain of body and mind;
It is always with us,
To rise from weakness
Till eternal peace is ours,
We of the great law,
The law of compensation.


The source of the experience

Romano, Jacques

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


