Observations placeholder
Yram - Eyeless sight
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Practical Astral projection - Yram
As soon as we slip out of the physical wrapper this truth strikes us with all its force. We see the familiar furniture of our room just as before. The only difference we notice is a slight phosphorescent glow. Our physical body rests inert, like a corpse, on the couch. The impression is so striking that instinctively we think we are dead. We must avoid giving way to this natural reaction, and with all our will must resist the pull which wants to draw us back to our physical self. This double is so sensitive that an exaggerated fear would draw it back into its envelope with brutal suddenness, and we might find difficulty in trying the experiment again.
If we resist we have time to take note of surroundings, then we slowly re-enter our physical body and straightway note what we have observed. When this has been done we should try the same thing again. It will be much easier. The more the double becomes used to temporary disembodiment the easier it becomes to handle. We can then walk about in our room without inconvenience, making every possible and conceivable observation; we can sit down, think, and meditate with far greater lucidity than in physical consciousness.