Observations placeholder
Whiteman, J H M possesses an 18 year old girl
Type of Spiritual Experience
Through all his experiences, Whiteman never seemed to grasp the fundamentals of out of body techniques. There is a telling line here......
"Almost at once, through apparent understanding of the teaching though I cannot now remember what the teaching really was"
The spirit world attempted to teach but he seemed oblivious to the teaching. As a consequence he became a loose cannon in the spirit world. He appears to have never realised how many people he possessed by his never ending desire for 'the feminine'. Here the knowledge is there, but he dismisses it in a throw away line .........
'I thought perhaps that the memory of some other being was in me, or I in it.'
'To my memory or the memory that was with me-it was hardly possible to distinguish the two'
A description of the experience
The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman
(May 30, 1950) I awoke in the night to find myself in a partly dissociated state, and apparently receiving some teaching about the manner in which separation is made, it being intimated, among other things, that the legs are separated first. Almost at once, through apparent understanding of the teaching (though I cannot now remember what the teaching really was), separation occurred.
There was a clear impression of the separated state being established with a very unusual degree of stability.
When fully separate, I found myself standing in an upper room of a house which something caused me to think of as my 'present house', though I could see that it in no way resembled my present house in the physical world. I thought perhaps that the memory of some other being was in me, or I in it.
I passed out on to a landing and down some stairs, where the light seemed dim, and came into the clear light of a large drawing-room or lounge into which the stairs directly led. I then walked along the length of the room, past various chairs and settees, towards a window by the left-hand far corner, where there was a kind of desk with a mirror above it, and sat down in front of it. A large window was on my right, and I had the impression that there was a garden outside, at a lower level (I think I saw the leaves of trees out of the side of my eyes). The light was that of about an hour after sunrise.
Looking in the mirror, I was rather surprised at my reflection, because it was not like my usual appearance, my hair being very dark or more probably quite black, cut fairly short and made to stand out at the sides-in an unfamiliar way. My face was a little rounder and my arms looked 'plumper' than seemed quite right to me; I looked about 18, and wore a sleeveless dress of some medium colour which I did not name at the time and so have forgotten. Although my appearance did not seem altogether right, I was quite ready to accept the fact that I was like that, and got up happily in order to walk back through the room.
I reached the foot of the stairs just as another girl, who was fair, came down them. To my memory (or the memory that was with me-it was hardly possible to distinguish the two) she was an intimate friend, of whom I was very fond, and I was really pleased to see her. We greeted each other with smiles and affectionate gestures, and then began to walk up the stairs together, hand in hand.
The experience then broke off.