Observations placeholder
Watson, Lyall - Winds provide the circulatory and nervous system of the planet
Type of Spiritual Experience
This example shows how many of earth’s other systems are dependent on the system for wind. Not only can we say that the wind and air are controlled by systems, but that there is massive inter system dependency with other key systems such as that of temperature, rainfall, erosion to create soil and so on
A description of the experience
Lyall Watson – Heaven’s Breath
Without wind, most of Earth would be uninhabitable. The tropics would grow so unbearably hot that nothing could live there, and the rest of the planet would freeze. Moisture, if any existed, would be confined to the oceans, and all but the fringe of the great continents along a narrow temperate belt would be desert. There would be no erosion, no soil, and for any community that managed to evolve despite these rigours, no relief from suffocation by their own waste products. But with wind, Earth comes truly alive. Winds provide the circulatory and nervous system of the planet
Ralph Waldo Emerson – Circles
Nature looks provokingly stable and secular, but it has a cause like all the rest, and when once I comprehend that, will these fields stretch so immovably wide, these leaves hang so individually considerable?