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Observations placeholder

The dying children who are comforted by angels



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Love is the Link – Dr Pamela Kircher

Observing the peaceful death or NDE, of a loved one can be extremely helpful in the grieving process. Several mothers have told me of these experiences.

One mother told the story of her three-year-old daughter who Iay dying in her arms after a long illness. As she died, a beautiful peaceful look came over the child's face and she seemed to radiate Light. The mother knew at that moment that her child was perfectly all right and protected. Although she missed her little girl, she did not grieve as much as people expected her to because she knew that she was at peace.

A little boy had cancer. By the time that he was terminally-ill with it at two years of age, he had spent more than half of his life in hospitals with chemotherapy and complications of the illness. He was a frail little boy who appeared wise beyond his years although he could say only a few words because of his young age. During the two days before his death, his mother and grandmother both witnessed him on at least two occasions having what seemed to be an NDE in his crib. When they watched him from the doorway of his bedroom (where he couldn't see them), they saw him stand up in the corner of his crib and lift his arms up to an unseen figure. At those times, he seemed to glow and had a beautiful smile on his face. No one was in the room except for the little boy and his “angel”. He died peacefully a day later with a beautiful smile on his face. That radiant death was a real source of comfort to his family, who had watched their tiny son suffer so much in his short life.

They felt comforted to know that he was finally in a' safe place and no longer in pain.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Spirit helper



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps





Being a child

