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Observations placeholder

Rochas, Albert De - Levitation of the human body – 09 Maria



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Albert De Rochas D'Aiglun - Levitation of the human body

Dr. Dusart, a former intern at the Paris hospitals, studied in a small village in the Nord department, a seventeen-year-old girl, who was an extraordinary medium in various ways. Here is what he wrote to me on March 7, 1899, about phenomena related to the issue at hand in that we see the weight of material objects varying under the influence of an unknown force.

"Maria having her hands flat on the table, her feet on her side rise up: one of them touches her dress; then the other two remove themselves in turn and the table thus comes completely in the air, without any muscular effort on Maria's part, to rest on the heads of the assistants standing in the room. At the request, we do not feel it at all or it weighs to make people cry out for mercy. We all tried to lift it not just by laying our hands on it, which is obviously impossible, but by grabbing it vigorously by the edges; we couldn't do it.

"It was interesting and even necessary to appreciate the extent of the changes in gravity. I brought an index scale and hung the table on it: free, it gives seventeen kilos. On request, Maria carrying her hands on top of the platform, she can weigh zero; or Maria putting her hands underneath, the index finger slowly drops to forty kilos. Later, as the table was shaking in a real saraband, we noticed fifty kilos, the maximum point of the scale; but this does not count, because of the tremors.


The source of the experience

Rochas, Colonel Albert de

Concepts, symbols and science items



Activities and commonsteps


