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Observations placeholder

Rochas, Albert De - Levitation of the human body – 05 Eglington



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Albert De Rochas D'Aiglun - Levitation of the human body


The famous English medium Eglington himself recounted, in the June 4, 1886 issue of the newspaper Le Médium, a levitation he had undergone during a séance at the court of Russia.:

"After tea, they passed into a room where the Emperor, the Empress, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Oldenburg, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Serge, Grand Duke Wladimir, General Richter and Prince Alexander of Oldenburg took their seats by hand. The lights were turned off and the demonstrations began; the most striking was a voice that spoke in Russian to the Empress and talked with her for a few moments.

A female form was seen between Grand Duke Serge and the Princess of Oldenburg, but it soon disappeared... I then began to rise in the air, while the Empress and Princess of Oldenburg continued to hold my hand. The confusion became indescribable when, as I was elevated higher and higher, my neighbours had to get on their chairs to follow me. The idea that an Empress was forced to do this , at the risk of injuring herself, was not very conducive to maintaining the mental balance of the medium and I asked several times for the séance to be adjourned.

But it was unnecessary and I continued to climb until my two feet touched two shoulders on which I leaned and which were those of the Emperor and the Grand Duke of Oldenburg, which made one of the attendees say:

- This is the first time the Emperor has "found himself under someone's feet."

When I came down, the séance was over."


The source of the experience

Rochas, Colonel Albert de

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items


Activities and commonsteps


