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Observations placeholder

Rafferty, Gerry with the Humblebums - Her Father Didn't Like Me Anyway



Type of Spiritual Experience


Remembering Gerry Rafferty , rock's most reluctant star by Paul Rees (Classic Rock) January 04, 2018 Classic Rock  

Rafferty struck out on his own, casting back to the folk songs of his childhood for renewed inspiration. Fortuitously, it wasn’t long before he got introduced to Billy Connolly at Paisley’s Orange Hall, where the latter was playing with partner Tam Harvey as the nascent Humblebums. Native to Partick, Glasgow, Connolly already had a notably larger-than-life personality. In this respect, he was entirely opposite to Rafferty.

He was a raging extrovert and I was the sensitive singer-songwriter,” Rafferty told BBC Radio Scotland in 2003. “Yet we each shared a sense of the absurd and a way of looking at life, so that we did a lot of laughing. That night, we went back to a mutual friend’s place and where I played Billy quite a few of my songs, which he thought wonderful.

Connolly, who says Barbara Dickson thought Rafferty “the best thing since sliced bread,” didn’t waste time in inviting his new friend to join the Humblebums. Though Harvey left soon after, Connolly and Rafferty would remain partners for the next couple of years. They toured the country, their act a simple, but effective one, with Connolly telling jokes in between Rafferty’s songs. They also made a brace of likeable albums together, 1969’s The New Humblebums and the next year’s Open Up The Door. Rafferty reflected later that the time he spent with Connolly was the most he ever enjoyed being on the road. “We travelled light – just an acoustic guitar and a banjo,” he said. “And for a concert I suppose we got £100, which was cash-in-hand.”..................

Eventually, and as Rafferty related it, Connolly’s jokes got to be longer, the time allocated to his songs exponentially shorter, and inevitably the two men broke apart. Rafferty’s subsequent first solo album might not have won him a bigger audience, but with it he forged a solid bond with Hugh Murphy, then employed as staff producer for his label, Transatlantic. It would be six years before the pair of them next worked together and after which Rafferty had enjoyed and then endured his initial taste of fame.

A description of the experience

Her Father Didn't Like Me Anyway ~ The Humblebums / Rafferty


The coat she wore still lies upon the bed
The book I gave her that she never read
She left without a single word to say
Her father didn't like me anyway.

She always wanted more than I could give
She wasn't happy with the way we lived
I didn't feel like asking her to stay
Her father didn't like me anyway.

Daddy never knew just what she'd seen in me
Daddy didn't like my hair
Perhaps if we had talked, he'd have seen something in me
But Daddy didn't really care.

To tell the truth I didn't have the nerve
I know I only got what I deserved
So now she's taken leave of me today
Her father didn't like me anyway.

Daddy never knew just what she'd seen in me
Daddy didn't like my hair
Perhaps if we had talked, he'd have seen something in me
But Daddy didn't really care.

The coat she wore still lies upon the bed
The book I gave her that she never read
She left without a single word to say
Her father didn't like me anyway.

The source of the experience

Rafferty, Gerry

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Unrequited love

