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Observations placeholder

Rafferty, Gerry - Whatever's Written In Your Heart



Type of Spiritual Experience


"“He was a titan, a giant,” said Barbara Dickson, who sung with Rafferty in Glasgow’s folk clubs and contributed backing vocals to City To City.

He could have been as famous as any songwriter in the world, but chose not to be. One thing I do know is that James Taylor wrote Gerry a fan letter about another song on City To City, Whatever’s Written In Your Heart. I rest my case.”

20 Jan 1978

A description of the experience

Gerry Rafferty - Whatever's Written In Your Heart


Wakin' up here on a rainy day
I swore last time that I would stay away
I came down here to talk to you
I said this time I might get through.
I heard us speak but all the words were dead
We talked all night and left it all unsaid
So we agree to disagree
At least we got our memory.

Whatever's written in your heart, that's all that matters
You'll find a way to say it all someday (yeah)
Whatever's written in your heart, that's all that matters
Yeah, night and day, night and day.

You've got your secrets yeah and I've got mine
We've played this game now for a long long time
You don't lean on anyone
You never had no place to run.
You never wanted me to get too close
We love and hate the ones we need the most
I tried to find a way to you
One thing I could say to you.

Whatever's written in your heart, that's all that matters
You'll find a way to say it all someday (yeah)
Whatever's written in your heart, that's all that matters
Yeah, night and day, night and day.

Maybe I've always set my sights too high
You take the easy way and still get by
I know there ain't no special way
We all get there anyway.
I heard us speak but all the words were dead
Talked all night and left it all unsaid
So we agree to disagree
At least we got our memory.

Whatever's written in your heart, that's all that matters
You'll find a way to say it all someday (yeah)
Whatever's written in your heart, that's all that matters
Yeah, night and day, night and day.
Yeah, night and day and day
Yeah, night and day and day (whatever's written in your heart)

The source of the experience

Rafferty, Gerry

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Unrequited love

