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Observations placeholder

Previn, André – Work in Classical chamber music



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Piano Trio No. 7 in C Major, K. 548 - 3. Allegro (Piano Trio)

Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1788. Performed by Anne Sophie Mutter (Violin), Andre Previn (Piano), Daniel Muller (Cello).

Wikipedia - Work in Classical chamber music

As in Jazz, Previn, the classical pianist, worked most of the time as a trio pianist (with violin and cello) in classical chamber music. Accordingly, most of his recordings as pianist are in this genre.

  • Samuel Barber: Four Excursions , Canzone (Elegy) op. 38a (1998, with Gil Shaham)
  • Gabriel Fauré: Piano Trio D-minor op. 120,
  • Felix Mendelssohn: Piano Trio D-minor op. 120 (1964, with Nathan Roth and Joseph Schuster)
  • Serge Rachmaninoff: Music for Two Pianos. Suite Nr. 1 op. 5, Suite Nr. 2 op. 17, Symphonic Dances op. 45 (1974, with Vladimir Ashkenazy)
  • Dmitri Shostakovich: Piano Trio No. 2 E-minor op. 67 (1974, with Kim Young Uck and Ralph Kirshbaum)
  • Claude Debussy: Piano Trio G-major
  • Maurice Ravel: Piano Trio A-minor (1995, with Julie Rosenfeld and Gary Hoffmann)
  • Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Trio No. 7 B flat-major op. 97,
  • Johannes Brahms: Piano Trio B-major op. 8 (1995, with Viktoria Mullova and Heinrich Schiff)
  • André Previn: Sonata for Violin and Piano "Vineyard",
  • George Gershwin: Three Preludes
  • Aaron Copland: Sonata for Violin and Piano, Nocturne

The source of the experience

Previn, André

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


