Observations placeholder
Poisoning from dermal absorption of promethazine
Type of Spiritual Experience
Promethazine is a neuroleptic medication and first-generation antihistamine of the phenothiazine family. The drug has strong sedative effects. It also reduces motion sickness and has antiemetic and anticholinergic properties
A description of the experience
Can Med Assoc J. 1984 Jun 1;130(11):1460-1.
Poisoning from dermal absorption of promethazine.
Shawn DH, McGuigan MA.
Two cases in which dermal absorption of promethazine hydrochloride resulted in a toxic neurologic syndrome are reported. The symptoms included central nervous system depression, acute excitomotor manifestations, ataxia and visual hallucinations. In addition, peripheral anticholinergic effects occurred. These symptoms are comparable with those of oral, intramuscular and rectal overdose of promethazine. The demonstrated risks of the topical use of promethazine outweigh any benefits.