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Plumptre, Reverend Edward - The Spirits In Prison – There is no death
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Spirits In Prison Life After Death By E. H. Plumptee D.D. Dean Of Wells
Your hearts have ached as you have thought of the destinies of the millions of the great human family ; or have followed with a yet more intense and agonized anxiety the pathway of a soul that you have loved — loved in spite of ignorance, passion, failures, sins — into the twilight region that lies beyond the grave.
I, at least, can feel for and with you.
For one who has been led to apprehend what seems to him a priceless, but forgotten, truth, in harmony with the mind of Christ, with the witness of His Church, and with the wisdom of the wise, steering a middle path between the falsehood of extremes, embraced by the profoundest thinkers ….. it was a simple duty to utter the truth according to his power — to endeavour at least to comfort others with the comfort wherewith he himself has been comforted of God.
There is no death.