Observations placeholder
Paico and parasites
Type of Spiritual Experience
Epazote, wormseed, Jesuit's tea, Mexican tea, Paico or Herba Sancti Mariæ (Dysphania ambrosioides, formerly Chenopodium ambrosioides) is an herb native to Central America, South America, and southern Mexico.
A description of the experience
Rev Gastroenterol Peru. 1996 Sep-Dec;16(3):197-202.
[Traditional medicine in the treatment of enteroparasitosis].
[Article in Spanish]
Giove Nakazawa RA.
- Centro Médico Servicio Popular de Salud, Takiwasi, Peru.
This study evaluating Chenopodium ambrosioides (paico) as an antiparasitic agent was conducted in two villages near Tarapoto, San Martin. Extracts from leaves of "paico" were given to 72 patients (children and adults) with intestinal parasitic infections. Their stools were analized before and 8 days after the intake. We observed antiparasitary efficacy in 56% of the cases. With respect to the parasites tested for, the efficacy was 100% for Ancilostoma and Trichuris and 50% for Ascaris. We didn't observe any significant difference relative to age or sex.A review of other popular methods used in this region is done.
PMID: 12165783