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Muldoon, Sylvan - Out of body interrupted by too much light
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Projection of the Astral Body – Muldoon and Carrington 1929
An interesting little experience I once had, involving the “light”element, may be given here. The room in which I usually sleep has a window which is directly in line with the street-lamp. Lying in bed, I can see the light through the window, and it in turn casts its rays into the sleeping room. Sometimes the lights are turned on at a later hour than at other times, by the local electric company - depending upon the time of year, etc.
One night I retired when the light was not on, and was succeeding in producing a conscious projection. I had moved upward, out of the physical, to a distance of about two feet. Just at this point, on came the lamp, flooding the room with light! And down went the astral into the physical with a "zing” and a repercussion. I believe that this was the longest “zing” sound I ever heard, and it felt as if my brain, inside my skull, were trembling – as if I could feel the noise.
Have you ever heard the steel run along the length of the string on a Hawaiian guitar ? That is exactly like this sound, which often accompanies interiorisation. From this you can see the detrimental effect of too much light. It might be of interest to add, here, that many people who suffer from nightmares, have found that, by sleeping in a lighted room, they have been able to avoid them.
So much for the light problem.