Observations placeholder
Out of body from flu
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Truth in the Light – Dr Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick
E A Hearn-Cooper is now 89, it was during the ‘flu epidemic of 1918 that this episode occurred
My whole family went down with the ‘flu. How my mother kept going I do not know, for she too was ill. We all became so weak, lying in our beds, unable to move, just able to drink a little of the water my mother struggled around to give us. Within a few days we were like skeletons.
In the boys bedroom there were two beds, a double near the window where my two young brothers slept, and a single bed for me. We three were lying there, unable to move. Yet I felt myself rise up, float into the highest part of the room and look down on myself lying there ‘asleep’ on my bed, across to my brothers asleep in theirs. I felt marvellous, no pain, free from all ills, just floating there.
But I realised that I had a ‘cord’ linking me with my body below me, and whilst I felt very happy floating there I somehow knew that if I moved too violently I would break the cord and I would never be able to return to my body. I decided to return and did.
…..Last year, at the age of 88, I had a similar experience in hospital, where I had been taken with a severe heart attack; looking down on the nurses and doctor bending over me….