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Observations placeholder

Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mme Fraya and a premonition relating to Mme D’s only nephew, Paul M



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Supernormal faculties in Man- Dr Eugene Osty

On December 30th, 1913, in the course of a metagnomic séance Mme Fraya said to Mme D:

"I see near you a young man whom you love and who is a near relation . , a fine nature, intelligent, gentle, and gracious . he is not so strong as he seems. . . . I see him ill presently, just at the time of his examination. I cannot see him entering the school for which he is preparing he will lead a very active life, but will die young, as if on a battle-field."

A few days latter Mme D. told me this premonition relating to her only nephew, Paul M., aged eighteen, a brilliant student preparing for competition to the Polytechnic, a most agreeable young man, for whom I had much regard.

 In February, 1914, he had an acute attack of angina when called upon to pass the test for physical fitness, but nerved himself to pass the test. In July, 1914, he entered for competition for the Polytechnic, which was interrupted by the war. He then made himself as useful as possible and was certainly very active, being in turn an interpreter, a chemical assistant and motor driver.

 He soon expressed an intention to enlist. His parents opposed this as much as they could. His aunt, haunted by the prediction, and saw how her nephew, despite his remarkable intellectual gifts, might indeed never enter the Polytechnic, said to him,

" Believe me, Paul, you are too young; don't enlist, I have a foreboding you would not come back to us."

His resolution, however, was taken, and on December 1st he was appointed to the 13th Regiment of Artillery.

December 13th he fell ill and died, not on the field, but of cerebro-spinal meningitis brought on by the war.

The source of the experience

Osty, Dr Eugene

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


