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Observations placeholder

Occupational exposure of midwives to nitrous oxide on delivery suites



Type of Spiritual Experience



And what about the mother and baby?

A description of the experience

Occup Environ Med. 2003 Dec; 60(12): 958–961.
doi:  [10.1136/oem.60.12.958]
PMCID: PMC1740444
PMID: 14634189
Occupational exposure of midwives to nitrous oxide on delivery suites
K Henderson, I Matthews, A Adisesh, and A Hutchings
Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
Aims: To compare environmental and biological monitoring of midwives for nitrous oxide in a delivery suite environment.

Methods: Environmental samples were taken over a period of four hours using passive diffusion tubes. Urine measurements were taken at the start of the shift and after four hours.

Results: Environmental levels exceeded the legal occupational exposure standards for nitrous oxide (100 ppm over an 8 hour time weighted average) in 35 of 46 midwife shifts monitored. There was a high correlation between personal environmental concentrations and biological uptake of nitrous oxide for those midwives with no body burden of nitrous oxide at the start of a shift, but not for others.

Conclusions: Greater engineering control measures are needed to reduce daily exposure to midwives to below the occupational exposure standard. Further investigation of the toxicokinetics of nitrous oxide is needed.

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Nitrous Oxide

Activities and commonsteps



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