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Observations placeholder

Moore P. ‘That Wiltshire Crater’ Letter to the editor New Scientist 8 August 1963



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Moore P. ‘That Wiltshire Crater’ Letter to the editor New Scientist 8 August 1963

In the adjoining wheatfields were other features, taking the form of circular or elliptical areas in which the wheat had been flattened. I saw these myself; they had not been much visited, and were certainly peculiar One, very well-defined, was an oval 15 yards long by 41 broad. There was evidence of "spiral flattening", and in one case there was a circular area in the centre in which the wheat had not been flattened. In no case was there any evidence of an actual depression in the ground.

(...) [The crater] could have been caused by natural subsidence, but it did not give that impression, and in any case there are the areas of flattened wheat to be taken into account; it would be remarkable coincidence if these areas were not associated with the crater. Since the areas of flattened wheat "led" to the crater, it looks very much as though they, and the crater, were caused by something which came from the sky. In this case, the wheat would have been flattened by violent air-currents produced by the falling body.

The source of the experience

Scientist other

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Crop circle

Activities and commonsteps


