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Mayo, Jeff on birth
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Jeff Mayo Astrology
Astrology is a system of interpreting symbols correlated to human behaviour and activities.
The symbols which form the basic structure of astrological theory are the Sun, Moon, major planets of the Solar system and the Earth as a focal point of reference.
These are symbols derived from the cosmic space time energy system. In other words, specific geometrical angles and points of mutual contact formed by the planets as they orbit the Sun, present continuously changing patterns which, depicted by the symbolic figures in the astrological birth chart for any given moment of time, correspond to unique patterns of potential behaviour in a man.
The present day trained astrologer does not think in terms of light rays or influences coming direct from each planet in the way that heat rays from the Sun on a summer’s afternoon stimulate the physical sensation of warmth and a feeling of well-being
The essential correspondence is one of space-time synchronisation. The chart of an individual is cast for the moment of birth. At birth the existing pattern of angular relationships between the Sun, planets and the Earth angle of the birthplace synchronise with the total psychological pattern of potentiality. It is the time and locality of birth which determine the individual nature