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Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On salt water and sweet water
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Hazrat Inayat Khan – The Art of Being and Becoming
There are two principal kinds of water, salt water and sweet water. The sea, which is quite contented with itself, indifferent to all, has salt water because it is independent of all else. It gives health, happiness and pleasure to those who are near it, because it asks nothing from anyone. It rises and falls within itself, it is independent, it is immense and in that way shows perfection. But with that independent perfection its water is not sweet.
The ascetic who has closed his heart with the perfection of God and with the realisation of truth is like the sea; independent, indifferent to all things. His presence heals people, his contact gives them joy and peace, and yet his personality is uninteresting to others, as is the salt water of the sea.