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Observations placeholder

J. W. Dunne – A prophetic dream of a fire in a rubber factory near Paris



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Premonitions: A leap in to the future – Herbert Greenhouse [1971]

J. W. Dunne, who dreamed about the eruption of Mount Pelee, had a later dream about a fire that took many lives.

He saw himself on a balcony, while from a fire engine below a hose was sending up a stream of water. There were many other persons on the balcony, but he could hardly see them through the smoke. They were collapsing all around him and he could hear their pitiful moans. Finally the smoke rolled over everything, obliterating the whole scene.

Dunne heard later about a fire in a rubber factory near Paris. Several of the girls working in the factory sought refuge on a balcony, while firemen below sent up streams of water to put out the flames around them. Unfortunately, as in Dunne's dream, smoke poured through broken windows behind the balcony, and the girls were suffocated.

As in his dream about Martinique, Dunne felt a strong emotional link to the persons who would die in the fire. He was no mere spectator but shared the distress of the girls on the balcony and felt the horror of death when the smoke came through from the rear.

The source of the experience

Scientist other

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

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