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Immanuel Kant - Describes the OBEs of Swedenborg
Type of Spiritual Experience
Out of body
A description of the experience
Dreams of a Spirit Seer - Immanuel Kant
Mr. Swedenborg divides his visions into three kinds.
In the first kind he is liberated from the body, in a state mediate between sleeping and waking, in which he has seen, heard, even felt spirits. This he has experienced only three or four times.
The second is being led away by the spirit, when he may be out walking on the street without losing himself, while at the same time his spirit is in entirely different regions and sees clearly elsewhere houses, men, forests, &c., and this perhaps for several hours, until he suddenly becomes aware again of his real place. That happened to him two or three times.
The third kind of vision is what is usual with him, those which he has daily while wide awake; and from these visions his stories are taken.
All men, according to his testimony, are in equally close conjunction with the spirit-world; most men, however, do not perceive it, the difference between himself and others consisting only in the fact that his interiors are opened, a gift of which he always speaks with reverence (datum mihi est ex divina Domini misericordia).
It may be seen from the context that this gift is supposed to consist in the faculty of becoming conscious of the obscure ideas which one’s soul receives by its continual connection with the spirit-world.