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Observations placeholder

Hodgson, Roger – Even in the Quietest Moments - Even in the Quietest Moments



Type of Spiritual Experience


"Even in the Quietest Moments was written during a very powerful time of Spiritual searching and discovery for me. I used to spend time alone in nature, camping, and one night while playing my guitar and looking up at the stars, the song came to me; it just flowed out of me. It's a love song to God but it could also be to a woman. I've left it ambiguous so that people can take it how they wish. Basically, it's just about a guy who's searching. I'm a seeker. I think I'll always be a seeker." ~Roger Hodgson


A description of the experience

Even in the Quietest Moments


Even in the quietest moments
I wish I knew what I had to do
And even though the sun is shining
Well I feel the rain, here it comes again, dear
And even when you showed me
My heart was out of tune
For there's a shadow of doubt that's not letting me find you too soon
The music that you gave me
The language of my soul
Oh Lord, I want to be with you.
Won't you let me come in from the cold?

Don't you let the sun fade away
Don't you let the sun fade away

Don't you let the sun be leaving
Won't you come to me soon

And even though the stars are listening
And the ocean's deep, I just go to sleep
And then I create a silent movie
You become the star, is that what you are, dear?
Your whisper tells a secret
Your laughter brings me joy
And a wonder of feeling I'm nature's own little boy
But still the tears keep falling
They're raining from the sky
Well there's a lot of me got to go under before I get high


Don't you let the sun disappear
Don't you let the sun disappear
Don't you let the sun be leaving
No, you can't be leaving my life
Say that you won't be leaving my life
Say that you won't be leaving my life
Say won't you please, stay won't you please
Say won't you please, stay won't you please
Lord, won't you come and get into my life
Lord, won't you come and get into my life
Say won't you please, stay won't you please
Say won't you please, stay won't you please
Lord, don't go


And even when the song is over
Where have I been, was it just a dream?
And though your door is always open
Where do I begin, may I please come in, dear?


The source of the experience

Hodgson, Roger

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Communing with nature

