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Observations placeholder

Green, Celia - Flying and lucid dreams



Type of Spiritual Experience


Lots of examples of the means of travel

A description of the experience

Lucid dreams – Celia Green

My usual method of aerial progression in lucid dreams was a bounding motion from the earth upwards, over the tops of houses and trees and then back to earth and another bound and so on. After a time I lost height and began to descend, but the bounds and jumps became lower and lower until a point was reached when I could no longer get off the ground at all. I then awoke.


Eventually I went into a corner of the room and tried to fly straight upwards. I felt I was beating at the air in a rather ineffectual way at the start, but then I flew up quite effortlessly and somehow the ceiling of the room melted away so that I found myself looking down at the room from some height.  
I came down and sat down again. I accepted a cup of coffee from one of the people.
Next I began to wonder whether I could do any physical phenomena and I started to point at various items of crockery eg a plate. They disappeared and reappeared simultaneously a yard or so away. After the first attempt or so I noticed a small spray of golden flashes coming from my finger tips as I tried to do this. However, my success was not a hundred per cent, and finally I pointed at a bag of sugar. Instead of vanishing, a sort of hole began to be formed through it, as if made by a rough kind of invisible drill, and the sugar began to run out of the ragged paper hole. This was not what I wanted and I went on pointing at it hoping it would still move or vanish, but all that happened was that the hole went on becoming deeper.

................ At the end of the lane was a main road and I left T at one bus stop, going myself to another on the other side of the road. I was trying to visit Z in London and in the grip of the prejudice that it was a long way. I was really not clear where I would get off the bus and on to a train, but I thought it would be something to get any stage of the journey done before thinking about the next. The bus came, and I got on, waving goodbye to T but that was the end of the dream, or at least of the lucid part................

.......... I thought I would fly to London, but the idea that it was a very long way became increasingly discouraging and I felt bleakly resigned at the prospect

The source of the experience

Green, Celia

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming
