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Observations placeholder

Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - The prophetic dream of Mme R



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

PSYCHISM Analysis of Things Existing ESSAYS BY PAUL GIBIER, M. D. Director of the New York Pasteur Institute.

…. a member of our own family had a dream which is sufficiently interesting to deserve being reported.

In 1886, in Paris, steps were being taken to obtain for a friend a position as director of a special school. Our protege was in his specialty a very deserving and learned man, as proved by the services he has since rendered; hence every effort was made in his behalf. The support of nearly all the chiefs of the Government office, on which the position depended, had been gained, as well as the approval of the Secretary of State, to whom the postulant had been "strongly recommended” by two or three members of the Legislature. In short, we were awaiting nothing but the publication of his nomination through the Journal Officiel, when one morning a letter was received from Mme. R., a relative who lived in the country, who was a great friend of the candidate's wife.

At the end of her letter she said : "Tell me something about Mr. X. (the candidate). Last night in a dream I was much annoyed (she awakened crying, she wrote us since) because he had failed in his endeavors to secure his position."

Directly after finishing reading this sentence, but without paying much attention to it, our friend was announced and entered the room at once, his face showing unmistakable signs of disappointment. He had come to deliver a letter from the Minister's office in which he was informed "that he was not accepted as candidate for the position then open, but that he might be considered at the next vacancy." Our relative's letter was shown to Mr. X., who was much astonished at it.

Fortunately, after examination of the credentials of the candidates for the position, this decision was reversed a few weeks later, and Mr. X. filled satisfactorily the place until his death, which occurred in 1897.

The source of the experience

Gibier, Dr Paul

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming

