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Observations placeholder

Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - Suddenly it appeared as if a cloud were gradually enveloping him, and within a space of thirty seconds he disappeared



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

PSYCHISM Analysis of Things Existing ESSAYS BY PAUL GIBIER, M. D. Director of the New York Pasteur Institute.

This case was related through a letter sent after a conversation which was held at the house of M. Maurel, then a Depute of Var, by Mr. C. Demole, once a French Consul in the Extreme East. We quote a few extracts from the letter, which its author has allowed us to produce. After having begun with a profession of materialistic and skeptical faith, our correspondent continues thus :

"In 1872, in July, while in Cambodge, I happened to be with a bonze [a Japanese or Chinese Buddhist religious teacher] and some friends of mine (among them, said Mr. D., in the course of our conversation, was a Catholic Missionary) in a room near the college of the bonzes. (Mr. D. does not say in what town; he had mentioned it during the conversation, but we have not recollected the name.) We were discussing the subject of our religion and its miracles ..."

The bonze held that a miracle proved nothing, and offered to show us one :

". . . There were six in all surrounding and attentively observing him as he looked at one and then the other, in making magnetic passes. Suddenly it appeared as if a cloud were gradually enveloping him, and within a space of thirty seconds he disappeared. A moment later he entered by a back door, came towards us with a serious look, and asked whether we were convinced of his power !

The source of the experience

Gibier, Dr Paul

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


