Observations placeholder
Fred and Annie
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
From Life’s Borderland and Beyond – Richard Pike
In the summer of 1883, a young man named Giles, of Nottingham, had the misfortune to lose several children after long and painful periods of illness.
The two eldest, Fred and Annie, aged respectively seven and eight, had died and been buried for some weeks when his little boy of four years old showed symptoms of approaching death.
The father and mother were constantly by his side, as will be readily believed, to mitigate the little fellow's sufferings as much as possible.
On the night when he died the father came to his bedside with the customary medicine, when the little boy, sitting upright in bed, cried out :
‘There : Fred and Annie.'
'Where, my boy ?' , asked the father
'Don't you see them there - there ? ‘ said the lad, pointing to the wall, they’re waiting for me to go to them,' and the next minute the little sufferer fell back on the pillow dead.
It should be mentioned that the father saw nothing of the apparition to which his dying boy pointed, but he quite believes its reality.'