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Observations placeholder

Dr Seuss - Your Job in Germany



Type of Spiritual Experience



In 1942, Geisel turned his energies to direct support of the U.S. war effort. First, he worked drawing posters for the Treasury Department and the War Production Board. Then, in 1943, he joined the Army as a Captain and was commander of the Animation Department of the First Motion Picture Unit of the United States Army Air Forces, where he wrote films that included Your Job in Germany, a 1945 propaganda film about peace in Europe after World War II; Our Job in Japan, and the Private Snafu series of adult army training films. While in the Army, he was awarded the Legion of Merit. Our Job in Japan became the basis for the commercially released film, Design for Death (1947), a study of Japanese culture that won the Academy Award for Documentary Feature.

This may seem unnecessarily harsh and critical, but remember that Dr Seuss's family were German. Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2, 1904 , to Theodor Robert and Henrietta (née Seuss) Geisel. All of his grandparents were German immigrants.
Operation Paperclip was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by Special Agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were taken from Germany to America for U.S. government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders, of the Nazi Party . Given what we now know about Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, - a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency—and which were, at times, illegal. It is all the more chilling. The project was headed by Sidney Gottlieb.

A description of the experience

Your Job in Germany


Directed by It's A Wonderful Life's Frank Capra and written by Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel, produced by the United States Information & Education Division of the Army Services Forces in 1946, this authentic film proposes, "War with Germany ends in victory, victory leads to peace ... Sometimes ... Sometimes not."

The source of the experience

Dr Seuss

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


