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Coricidin psychoses
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Abuse of Coricidin HBP cough & cold tablets: episodes recorded by a poison center. Banerji S, Anderson IB. - University of California, San Francisco, California Poison Control System, San Francisco Division, USA.
Cases involving ingestion of a dextromethorphan-containing product recorded at a poison control center were studied. A retrospective review of all consultations involving the ingestion of Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold tablets recorded by the California Poison Control System was conducted for the period from January 1 to October 1, 2000. Computerized charts on the consultations were reviewed to obtain data on patient age and sex, number of tablets taken, reason for tablet ingestion, symptoms, treatment, disposition, and outcome.
A total of 92 charts (for 92 patients) documenting Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold tablet ingestion were reviewed. The reason for tablet ingestion was classified as abuse in 65 patients (71%), a suicide attempt in 8 (9%), misuse in 1 (1%), malicious administration in 1 (1%), and normal use (but with an adverse drug reaction) in 1 (1%); 16 patients (17%) consumed the tablets for an unknown reason.
The 92 patients comprised 42 males and 50 females. Among all patients, 78 (85%) were 13-17 years old, and among those classified as having abusive intent, 58 (89%) were in the same age range. The most commonly reported signs and symptoms associated with ingestion were
- tachycardia (50 patients)
- hypertension (29)
- lethargy (40)
- mydriasis (20)
- agitation (15)
- ataxia or dizziness (20)
- and vomiting (9).
Sixty-one patients (66%) had some alteration in mental status. Fifty-six (61%) were treated in the emergency department; 11 (12%) were admitted. All patients recovered completely. Information on the ingestion of Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold tablets recorded at a poison control center indicated a high rate of abuse of the product among teenagers.