Observations placeholder
Cardiac arrest
Type of Spiritual Experience
This 55 year old textile mill labourer encountered the following during a cardiac arrest in 1979
A description of the experience
Recollections of death – Dr Michael Sabon
During this vision that I had, I couldn’t see myself but I was standing on something high because down below me there was just the most beautiful greenest pasture. There was just a small hill and then just flat meadow over to my right… I was looking down on these cattle and sheep and on this shepherd, and they were in a meadow like, with cattle on the right and sheep on the left, and he was standing on just like a rounded knoll twenty or thirty feet high … it ws just like a bright sunshiny day… the whole outline of it looked like a putting green on a well kept golf course. …. It is just so stamped in my mind that it will never go away