Observations placeholder
Broad, Charlie Dunbar - Lectures on Psychical research 1962
Type of Spiritual Experience
Another observation to show the extraordinary similarity between lucid dreams and out of body experiences, suggesting they are somewhat the same - that we may go out of body when we dream
A description of the experience
Lectures on Psychical research 1962 – C. D. Broad
Not long ago I had a vivid dream in which I was, as it were, present at a magical ceremony, conducted by two adepts of some occult order. After undergoing certain treatment by them, I seemed to myself to be levitated and to be flying round and round the room at a height of about 8 feet. In doing so I repeatedly passed a high shelf over a fireplace, and I noted that a pair of heavy glass vases were standing one at each end of this……….
I decided to catch hold of one of these vases as I passed then in my flight and to bring it to the floor. I argued that, if it were still there afterwards, the levitation would have to be genuine. Soon after I had done this my two adepts decided that I had had as much levitation for one day as was good for a beginner and they brought me gently to the floor. I was delighted to find that one of the two heavy vases was lying where I had set it down in the course of my flight. So I concluded that I had been genuinely levitated.
My conclusion was of course mistaken, for I had been neither levitated nor hypnotised but had been merely asleep and dreaming