Observations placeholder
Bessie Heap
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Alfred Smedley - Reminiscences
Describing the death of his wife
A short time before her decease, her eyes being fixed on something that seemed to fill her with pleasant surprise, she exclaimed,
' Why ! there is sister Charlotte here, and Mother and Father, and brother John and sister Mary ! And now they have brought Bessie Heap ! ! They are all here. Oh ! how beautiful ! Cannot you see them ? ' she asked.
' No, my dear ; I very much wish I could,' I answered.
'Cannot you see them ? ' she again asked in surprise ; ' why they are all here, and they are come to bear me away with them ! ' Then she added, 'Part of our family have crossed the flood, and soon the other part will be gathered home, and then we shall be a family complete in heaven ! '
I may explain here that Bessie Heap had been the trusted family nurse, and my wife had always been a favourite with her.
After the above experience my wife lingered for some time. Then fixing her gaze steadily upward again, and lifting up her hands, she joined the convoy of angel friends, who had come to usher her to the other world