Observations placeholder
Buhlman, William - Affirmations and flying
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
William Buhlman - Adventures beyond the body
Journal Entry, June 21, 1973
I wake up at 1:00 a.m. and move to the sofa. After reading for about fifteen minutes I become sleepy and decide to try something new. I grab a sheet of paper and begin to write out-of-body affirmations. "Now I'm out-of-body." As I write, I verbally repeat them to myself. After writing fifty or so I can barely keep my eyes open. As I drift to sleep, I continue the affirmations in my mind.
I'm startled awake by a strange numbness and vibrations throughout my body. I stay as calm as possible and focus on the sensations of floating upward. After several seconds, I feel myself lift up and out of my body. I stand beside my body and walk to the window. I feel somehow out of focus and request clarity. There's only a small improvement so I repeat my request, and this time I'm more demanding:
"I need clarity now!"
Instantly, my awareness becomes crystal clear. My body feels lighter and more energized. I feel vibrantly awake and aware and decide to try to fly. Stretching out my arms, I take a small leap and fly through the ceiling and roof, until I’m several hundred feet above my neighbourhood. I rotate my arms slightly and level off. It’s absolutely exhilarating. I feel completely free as I glide over the town of Catonsville.
Even though it's night, the landscape is illuminated by a silvery glow. Below me the houses and streets appear like a Christmas garden. Suddenly, I feel a tugging sensation at my back and spontaneously think of my body. The thought of my body snaps me back to it with a jolt. I awaken with a slight numbness and tingling throughout my body.