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Whiteman, J H M and the currents up and down the body
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Mystical Life – J H M Whiteman
While the physical body is in a relaxed and partly dissociated state one may be able to discern a movement of currents eddying and interweaving within the form of the body. These seem to be almost material in character; they could easily be mistaken for physical sensations. But they have the evident effect of gradually releasing the body from fixation, and seem to be one of the means provided for bodily and spiritual refreshment during sleep. Then, when the currents have done their work of releasing us from fixation, one is ready to separate (or fall asleep).
The following experience illustrates such a process, though communication of its psychological and spiritual nature through the medium of words is almost impossible:
(July 13, 1951). In a vividly objective half-separation, the body was represented as lying down and caught in fixation. An operation proceeded from within to throw off the constraints. There was a vivid calling forth of spontaneous manipulative movements and purified will-activity against antagonistic forces. Presently the fixation appeared to be thrown off, so that a free form emerged.