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Vanadium levels in French and Californian wines: Influence on vanadium dietary intake
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Vanadium levels in French and Californian wines: Influence on vanadium dietary intake
August 1998 DOI: 10.1080/02652039809374685 · Source: PubMed
Pierre-Louis Teissedre University of Bordeaux - Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin and
Miroslaw Krosniak
An accurate and reproducible method for direct determination of vanadium (V) in wine using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) is described. This method gave results insignificantly different from those obtained using dry mineralization of wine samples, with a detection limit of 42 pg.
A total of 68 wine samples from different regions of France and California were analysed. Vanadium levels ranged from 7.0 to 90.0 micrograms/l in red and from 6.6 to 43.9 micrograms/l in white wines. The method was also adapted to the determination of vanadium levels in 12 grape samples from different varieties after acid mineralization.
Vanadium content varied from 2 to 17 micrograms/kg for white and from 5 to 11 micrograms/kg for red varieties. Our data indicate that wine storage conditions may increase vanadium content. The contribution of wine consumption to daily vanadium dietary intake of the French population was estimated to be 11 micrograms/day per individual.