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Observations placeholder

James Chaffin returns to sort out his will



Type of Spiritual Experience



I don't think he did return.  I think this is a straightforward case of communication between brothers, probably well meant as it sorted out all the hassle.  One of them decided that a bit of psychic invention might serve to sort out all the problems.

Who keeps a dead father's overcoat for 4 years?

Perhaps they did in the 1920s, but I am suspicious of this entry, which I have provided as a record of how supposed psychic events can sometimes provide convenient endings to difficult family problems.

This observation is thus not a true entry but a warning for the more gullible, one of whom on this occasion appears to have been Lyall Watson!

A description of the experience

The Romeo Error – Lyall Watson

In 1921, James Chaffin of North Carolina died, leaving all his property to one of his four sons who himself died intestate a year later.

In 1925, the second son was visited by his dead father dressed in a black overcoat, who said, "You will find my will in my overcoat pocket." When the real coat was examined, a roll of paper was found sewn into the lining with instructions to read the twenty-seventh chapter of Genesis in the family Bible.

Folded into the relevant pages was a later will than the first one, dividing the property equally between all four sons.

The source of the experience

Watson, Lyall

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


