Observations placeholder
Heavy machinery and health problems
Type of Spiritual Experience
Neurological problems were noted.
A description of the experience
Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 1999;12(2):159-76. Evaluation of occupational exposure to infrasonic noise in Poland. Pawlaczyk-Luszczyńska M. Department of Physical Hazards, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lódź, Poland.
A short review of infrasound sources and effects on humans is presented. Polish standard PN-86/N-01338 and international standards ISO 7196:1995 and ISO 9612:1997 concerning the measuring techniques of infrasonic noise are described.
The results of infrasonic noise measurements performed in the work environment in Poland are discussed.
The study concerned the noise emitted by 124 different types of industrial machinery, appliances and means of transport. The measurements were made in typical working conditions with reference to Polish and international standards. The sound pressure levels exceeding Polish admissible values for:
(a) workers' health protection were found in 5 (4.0%) cases,
(b) ensuring proper conditions for performing basic functions in observational dispatcher cabins etc. in 77 (62.1%) cases; and
(c) administration premises, design offices etc. in 92 (74.2%) cases.
The admissible sound pressure levels for workers' health protection are in fact the permissible levels for hearing protection, however they do not correspond with the hearing threshold of infrasound the G-weighting characteristic is associated with.
The hearing threshold of infrasound (G86 curve) was exceeded in 66.9% of all the industrial machinery and means of transport under study.
PMID: 10465906