Observations placeholder
Dying man has vivid images of people coming up to his bed
Type of Spiritual Experience
I think it is rather sad that the experiences from medication are 'downgraded' - they don't have to be, it hardly matters, an experience is an experience.
A description of the experience
The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences – Dr Penny Sartori
The following case was reported to me by a hospice nurse:
Back in the summer I was nursing a man in his early sixties.
While talking to the patient and his wife I found out that they used to attend a spiritualist church. The patient was getting more poorly and began to have vivid images of people coming up to his bed. The medical team put this down to hallucinations and began reducing his MST even though he didn't show any other signs of opioid toxicity.
While showering the man one morning I broached the subject of his spirituality. He told me that his father used to be able to communicate with the dead and he also used to have the ability, although it lessened and he had stopped going to the spiritualist church for years.
When asked about the figures at the bedside he admitted that it was the same experience as when he used to communicate with the dead. He wasn't afraid of the figures but saw it as a sign that his life was coming to an end. He appeared to have relief that someone was listening and not putting his experience down to medication.